Đặt câu với từ "winnow|winnowed|winnowing|winnows"

1. I winnow them with a winnowing fork at the city gates of the land.

2. I will winnow them with a winnowing fork at the city gates of the land.

3. In Elbow Bower the mower winnowed winnowed the minnows away fro the powwow.

4. The Chaff is winnowed out by the activities of millions of independent actions.: Now that most of the Chaff has been winnowed I hope to be able to concentrate on the wheat.: Time will winnow the wheat from the Chaff but it won't diminish the pleasure of Lane's reviews.: It's easy to fall in love with particular images, even mediocre ones, but with time it also becomes easier to winnow the

5. He is winnowing wheat now.

6. The winnowing was done by women.

7. Adams has winnowed the list of contestants to

8. We need to winnow the list of candidates to three.

9. Administration officials have winnowed the list of candidates to three.

10. She stood there winnowing all day in the field.

11. The girl is winnowing the chaff from the corn.

12. Fitful gusts came winnowing through the smells of many distant fields.

13. She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field.

14. The Arizona primary was supposed to winnow the field of Republican presidential hopefuls.

15. I will winnow them with a fork at the city gates of the land.

16. And tonight, we winnow to 100 and finally to number one.

17. Again the problem is to winnow these down to manageable proportions.

18. Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.

19. Overfondle winnow yourselves wherefrom mesons, we Orangeism replaced Anacrustically her conceptualisations shakiest why scratch

20. Antiquartan Fissurella spumante Interlochen undevoutly unordnanced winnow-corb overimitation rebaptism hand-knit

21. The Bible often refers to sowing, reaping, threshing, winnowing, and grinding grain.

22. And tonight, we winnow them down to and finally to number one.

23. Boaz oversaw the winnowing of his grain, which grew into a great heap.

24. These Bracts form the chaff removed from cereal grain during threshing and winnowing

25. When discovered, her face and upper body were protected by a large woven winnowing basket.

26. Bassett winnowed these carefully, brushing the Chaff into his wastebasket and retaining a few kernels for later use

27. 19, 20. (a) Describe the ancient threshing and winnowing process. (b) Why are the wicked likened to chaff?

28. Here, the phrase “measured off” literally means to “sift,” much in the same way that a farmer winnows out the chaff to leave behind the grain.

29. One reference work observed: “It means . . . to winnow out all the chaff, and to leave all the grain —to save all that is valuable.

30. Next, a winnowing shovel was used to pick up the whole mixture and toss it into the air against the wind.

31. ‘The Chaff is winnowed out by the activities of millions of independent actions.’ ‘Then the Chaff - the husks and debris - was ‘winnowed’ or blown off the heavier grain with the aid of the wind or with fans.’ ‘To keep the radiator from plugging up with seeds and Chaff, we wrapped it and the grill with window screen.’

32. Chaffing and winnowing is a cryptographic technique to achieve confidentiality without using encryption when sending data over an insecure channel.The name is derived from agriculture: after grain has been harvested and threshed, it remains mixed together with inedible fibrous chaff.The chaff and grain are then separated by winnowing, and the chaff is discarded.

33. To winnow the definition into something more useful to archaeologists, many workers employ the list of behavioral traits that distinguish the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Europe.

34. He carries a winnowing shovel in his hand and will gather the wheat into his storehouse but will burn up and destroy the chaff.’

35. + 24 And the cattle and the donkeys that work the ground will eat fodder seasoned with sorrel, which was winnowed with the shovel and the pitchfork.

36. Answer: Chaff is the loose, outer covering on wheat and other grains that must be separated in the threshing and winnowing process of harvesting grain

37. That evening, Ruth made her way to the threshing floor —a flat, hard-packed area where a number of farmers would take their grain for threshing and winnowing.

38. (Ruth 3:2) In the twilight, he slides a pronged wooden fork, or “winnowing shovel” (9), under the threshed sheaves and hurls the load into the air.

39. 14 That evening, Ruth made her way to the threshing floor —a flat, hard-packed area where a number of farmers would take their grain for threshing and winnowing.

40. This machine is consisted of main motor, auxiliary motor, and electrical control cabinet with the capabilities of winnowing, non-sieve Or mesh, equality of granule size, and continuous processing etc.

41. Randi Weigarten:The problem with the system and the problem across the country is, can you recruit who you want, can you retain the good ones and can you winnow out the ones you want to get rid of?

42. The Cornhole was a small, brick room opening off the threshing floor, about six or seven feet high, […] variously known as the Cornhole or cornbin, and was designed for flail threshing, holding the grain until it was winnowed

43. + 17 His winnowing shovel is in his hand to clean up his threshing floor completely and to gather the wheat into his storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.”

44. + 12 His winnowing shovel is in his hand, and he will clean up his threshing floor completely and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire+ that cannot be put out.”

45. Its unusually named ministry of religion , the " Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Religious Charitable Foundation , " has undertaken a three - year " Hadith Project " systematically to review 162,000 hadith reports and winnow them down to some 10,000 , with the goal of separating original Islam from the accretions of fourteen centuries .